Custom Exterior DoorsCustom Exterior Doors

What Are Your Options?

Choosing the right exterior doors for your home is no easy task. It can be frustrating to understand all your options and find the doors that are right for you.

Unlike with windows, for which we have a specific supplier, it’s impossible to find one supplier that offers all exterior door possibilities. Because of this, we don’t offer an online catalogue of standard products, with the exception of our vinyl sliding patio doors made by the same supplier who provides our windows. We’ve learned that exterior doors are almost always a custom-designed product, because your doors personalize your home and enhance its curb appeal.

We offer a full selection of doors and glass options: steel, fibreglass, solid wood, decorative glass. But the only way we can understand what you’re looking for and provide our suggestions is to discuss it with you in person. We’re more than happy to visit on your schedule with no obligation for you to buy.

Whether you’re looking for entry doors, French doors, or sliding doors, we’ll help you create the unique, personalized look you want.

Exterior Door Options


Cheap steel doors purchased from big box stores can lead to problems. Although steel is inherently strong, cheaper steel doors aren’t built properly and your security can be affected. The steel doors we use have a solid plywood perimeter, helping to ensure security, and are a great option to lower the cost of a very expensive part of your renovation. They can be painted in a highly durable UV-resistant factory finish, come with all the glass options of fibreglass doors, and can enhance curb appeal tremendously. Like fibreglass doors, steel doors have a foam core for good insulating properties.


Solid wood doors are considered by many to be the ultimate choice for high-end, custom-designed doors. Unlike other door materials, wood doors can be crafted in any design you choose, no matter how intricate, and can be 100% wood or wood and glass. Wood is a natural insulator, but it does require ongoing maintenance to keep up its appearance. Dents and scratches are easy to repair, although the entire door may need to be refinished.

Wood is usually the most expensive option, but when it comes to the curb appeal of your home, cost may be no object.


Fibreglass doors have recently become a popular alternative. They are available in many different styles and can even simulate the look of wood. Less expensive than wood, they are very durable, scratch-resistant, and less prone to problems because of their stability—they don’t contract and expand like wood doors. They also require less maintenance than wood, and offer higher insulating values.


How to Decide?

Ultimately, your choice of doors depends on your priorities. We can help you find the right choice once we know what’s most important to you: aesthetics, durability and maintenance, or energy efficiency.

Contact us for a no-obligation consultation.